Introducing our data collection portal for monitoring and evaluation of ADC Training. Utilizing View-world Mobile apps, our business advisors gather field data seamlessly.
The RACCOST scoring tool is integrated into the mobile apps, enabling efficient data capture. we are transforming data management for enhanced training outcomes.
The Web and App platforms are used to baseline and score enterprises that we work with and help to capture the interventional reach, enabling us to have a more rigorously basis for analysis impact and making the foundation for our ESG Reporting at the group level.
The View World Platform houses the Rabo Modelled tools for assessment including RACOST 1,2, & 3.
With this innovative approach to planning, monitoring and evaluation for the different Agribusiness Development centre’s interventions, the platform has been able to onboard 585 Farmer Based Organization with over 24,212 (Male – 11,603 Female – 12,609)
These have been peer-reviewed and they offer like AMEA accepted tools such as those from SCOPEInsights among others.