Kyeitagi Dairy West C
“We had no functional committees and the existing ones that did not know their roles. Now because of the trainings, we have reinstated our committees and roles and responsibilities clearly defined. They are more active in helping the cooperative source for funding and markets.”
Kyeitagi Dairy Farmers
“Initially, we had stopped accepting new membership; out of our own ignorance and fear of new peoples’ characters. Our income level remained the same. As a result of learning about open and voluntary membership, we increased from 45-67, our incomes have increased as well from UGX25-45 million”
Jimmy Bagonza – General Manager, RFCU
“Some of our primary cooperative societies have taken up the development and utilization of Gender Sensitive policies. More women have been engaged in management and leadership positions”
Kisagazi ACE
“Through exposure, we managed to improve out networks, recently signing an MOU with the National Alliance for Agricultural Cooperatives (NAAC) to build capacity on cooperative development, the East African Farmers Federation (EAFF) governance training for BOD and Management”
Anna Akwede – Alemar Ican Onion Growers
“Before, I would get money and spend it all on buying new clothes to dress nice. Because of the advice of ADC, I have reached a different level; I got money from the bank twice, UGX 2,000,000 each time. The bank staff know me personally and often encourage me to take loans because I know how to use the loans I take and always pay back on time. I bought a plot of land and Cattle, Goats that give me returns. I have also opened a shop to sell commodities.”
“As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, majority of our members are withdrawing their savings to fund business, investments, and other household needs. Even those who had created fixed deposits. As a result, this has created a gap in Working Capital for the organization.”
“Adopted the utilization of insurance for our small holder farmers/members in the event that at the end of the season, production is affected by drought or natural calamities. Farmers have been linked to financial service providers e.g. 76 members were linked with OKO Finance limited, based in Kampala for crop insurance.”
Fred Ssembera – Buzaaya Growers
“The other trainings on Marketing especially, help me gain valuable knowledge. I was recently given the opportunity to present at a radio station on the nature of cooperatives. I comfortably taught people on the elements of a marketing mix, demand and supply and Quality for a better price. All this knowledge was because of ADCs training.”
Cindrella Opio – Yot Kom En Tic Farmer Group
“From the training, we learned the value of bulking and collective marketing to increase sales. We did a joint venture with a few friends selling Soya Beans and Maize. We managed to accumulate about 240Kgs of Soya Bean and 600Kgs of Maize in the season. We sold at a higher price than we often sell individually. 3500 and 1000 respectively”
Fred Ssembera – Buzaaya Coffee Growers
“Majority of their members have taken upside selling in a bid to meet daily needs. Some buyers are purchasing red cherries from the farmers, which they prefer due to its less labor-intensive nature”